Our Process

Move from ideas to launch. Through rigorous testing and validation, our process saves funds, entrepreneurs and corporate innovators from losing momentum, money, and opportunities as they launch new ventures.

01 Explore

Understanding and researching a brand's current or potential key consumers to identify key insights and pain points.

  • Gain information about a market Space
  • Research and define an emerging Opportunity Area
  • Research your target consumers
02 Ideate

Uncovering creative features, products, or services to address these insights and pain points, based on qualitative consumer research.

  • Refresh your offering to current customers
  • Design and build a new product or service
  • Deploy a new (or new to you) technology
03 Verify

Testing hypotheses and assumptions for features, products, and services with honest, results-driven quantitative analysis.

  • Test a new feature or concept
  • Find your product-consumer fit
  • Pilot new business
  • Develop the launch strategy
04 Optimize

Scale validated businesses efficiently to promote growth in both current and new markets.

  • Build an internal innovation team
  • Speed up your existing innovation process
  • Build a repeatable iteration innovation engine

Our process in action.

Clean Age

Clean Age

From idea to orders in three months.

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