About Us

Our team has walked the halls and sat in the C-suites of some of the most successful companies in the world. We’ve also launched new ventures with tests in a mall kiosk and a boat show booth. In short, we’re up for the challenge – no matter where it takes us.

The Team

Meet Brian Meet Brian




Brian Roesler can’t be boxed in by typical. As the Chief Innovation Officer for Verify, he’s always on the hunt to learn more, test new ideas, and punch up the fun. Brian’s steeped experience includes multiple successful startups and most recently Nike’s Valiant Labs (the company’s in-house innovation incubator). You can turn to him when a new idea needs to be proven then shaped into a viable business, and also in six inches of fresh powder when you need a ski buddy. You’ll know you’re all the way in with Brian when he claps for you with one hand or shares the glory that is Parking Kitty (c’mon Portland people). Go ahead and add Brian to all of your meeting invites now and you’ll look forward to working like never before.

Meet Kirk Meet Kirk




Kirk Dahlgren is a business guide, river guide, and life guide. As he oversees strategy for Verify, his calm, cool problem-crushing skills can find a way forward in any situation. Kirk has seen it all while working for some of the most brilliant creative agencies in the US as well as Nike’s Valiant Labs (the company’s in-house innovation incubator). It is this vast, deep experience that he wields as new ventures launch. Honestly, nothing surprises this man. When he’s not figuring out how to make life and business better for our incredible clients, you can find Kirk tying knots, kayaking, or welding with his two ultra kind, brave kids, James and Norah, to the sweet tunes of his wife’s guitar.

Meet Keith Meet Keith




Keith May comes from a long line of educators. Like a great jazz album, the layers behind the words count: he’s got loads of data behind every story, and a course of action behind each question. As Keith leads the digital work for Verify, his style is focused yet laid back. He’s not one to let passion or emotions skew strategies or directional focus for a brand. Rather, he’s solely dependent on letting true data provide insights, direction, and targeting. At Nike’s Valiant Labs (the company’s in-house innovation incubator) Keith worked on every new start-up during his time on staff. When he isn’t heads-down in data and implementation, Keith makes music to express his creativity. Keith and his wife Kari live in Portland where you can find them schooling local challengers on a volleyball court most weeknights.

Meet Emily Meet Emily




Emily Crotty has an innate sense for business. As an attorney and the Chief Operating Officer of Verify, Emily keeps every project running with precision and professionalism. She’s no stranger to the world of start-ups, acquisitions, mergers, and franchises. Emily has played a key role in numerous business leaps, and she handles it all with a smile and some fresh perspective. Her gift of seeing past the spreadsheets into the heart of a business is unmatched. When she’s not crushing it in the office, Emily is most often found cheering on her three kids, Kendel, Cameron, and Caleb, or laughing at her husband’s outrageous stories.

Meet Rachel Meet Rachel




Rachel Peters turns ordinary messages into magic. In her role as Chief Communications Officer for Verify, Rachel regularly helps the team transform an idea that has never been done before into something relatable, sell-able, and loveable. Her experience spans the globe from the most successful fast-food campaign in history, to telecommunication strategy, to naming household products, to writing speeches for Presidents. Rachel’s super-human positivity is an asset to any project, especially because we whole-heartedly believe failure is part of success. She is a wife to Andrew and mom to Cana, Wake, Wren and Park — together they are a fierce crew of surfers with the work ethic of farmers.

Meet Russell Meet Russell




Russell McLemore connects dots and builds companies. In his role with Verify, Russell gravitates towards helping corporate clients identify growth strategies (untapped consumer segments and adjacent services and products) and building innovation capabilities to drive new growth. For start-ups he focuses on product/service design and go-to market strategy. Comment start His optimistic outlook has served him well as a consultant and strategist, and while at WR Hambrecht and Morgan Stanley as he advised on leveraged buyout, initial public offerings, and mergers & acquisitions. Just before joining Verify, Russell led a large cross-functional initiative for Nike’s DTC and Global Sales teams. If he’s not working, you’re likely to find Russell outdoors with his wife, three kids, and St. Bernard (Waldo).

About Verify
About Verify About Verify
About Verify